Font family: FCaslonOrnamentsITCTT
Font subfamily identification: Regular
Unique identifier: Macromedia Fontographer 4. 1. 3 FCaslonOrnamentsITCTT
Full font name: FCaslonOrnamentsITCTT
Version: Macromedia Fontographer 4. 1. 3 92298
Postscript font name: FCaslonOrnamentsITCTT
Trademark notice: ITC Founder's Caslon is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation
Manufacturer name: International Typeface Corporation
Designer: Justin Howe
Description: Please review the description of this font at http www. itcfonts. com.
http www. itcfonts. com
http www. itcfonts. com
License: Please refer to the URL listed below for the most current ITC End User License agreement.
http www. itcfonts. comitclicense. html
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