Font family: Kleptocracy Titling
Font subfamily identification: Bold
Unique identifier: 2. 200 TYPO KleptocracyTitlingRg-Bold
Full font name: KleptocracyTitlingRg-Bold
Version: Version 2. 200
Postscript font name: KleptocracyTitlingRg-Bold
Trademark notice: Kleptocracy is a trademark of Typodermic Fonts Inc.
Manufacturer name: Ray Larabie
Designer: Ray Larabie
http www. typodermic. com
http www. typodermicfonts. com
License: Please read the current Typodermic Fonts license agreement at http www. typodermic. comlicense. html
http www. typodermic. comlicense. html
Kleptocracy Titling