Font family: Herman Decanus AH
Font subfamily identification: Regular
Unique identifier: Fontgrube AH HermanDecanus
Full font name: Herman Decanus AH
Version: 1. 00
Postscript font name: HermanDecanusAH
Trademark notice: FontGrube AH a. hoefeldagmx. de
Designer: Andreas Hofeld
Description: Northern German "Kanzleischrift " of the 13th c. , fashioned after the handwriting of Decanus regional church official Hermanus of Soest, this font has many alternative characters in odd places. Most of the uppercase and some lowercase characters
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License: Usage is free for non-commercial, non-profit purposes. If you do something sensible with it you may let me know. Also if you have any suggestions. You can change it for personal use only. Otherwise contact me to get permission. If you want to
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